Automatically posting a "reply" after a period of time or based on a number of likes.
Luca Restagno
I am glad to announce that the Follow-up feature is available to everyone on 🥳
Luca Restagno
hey Michael Romaine Rodrigo Henrik I gave you access to the feature in preview : )
Just go to BlackTwist and refresh the page.
Under Settings ( ) there's a new section called "Follow-up" to configure it.
Tyler Dupont Prasanjit Sahoo Thomas Strider please share here your Threads handle and I'll give you access too.
Please, let us know what you think, thanks!
Michael Romaine
Luca Restagno THANK YOU! So excited for this.
Michael Romaine
Luca Restagno The only thing I've noticed so far testing it is that the image doesn't auto-populate from the link.
Not a big deal, but something that's a nice addition when it does pop up.
Michael Romaine
For reference:
Luca Restagno
Michael Romaine: hey Mike, can you try to add https:// in front of the link?
the preview image should automatically come.
Luca Restagno
Michael Romaine: Did it work on Threads with the follow-up or was it posted manually?
Luca Restagno Mattia Righetti bravo! guys, can you grant me the access too? grazie miele
Mattia Righetti
Gladys you should have access now 🙌
Luca Restagno
in progress
We're starting working on auto-reply, I know you've been waiting for this for a while.
On our way!
Mattia Righetti
Merged in a post:
Simple post scheduler.
Tyler Dupont
Being able to write in a text box and automatically have the post schedule after a specific amount of time after the prior post.
For example:
Post 1: Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.
[Button - Schedule post]
Post 2: Leaders grow stronger with every page they read.
[Button - Schedule post] - [15 minutes after prior post]
Mattia Righetti
Hey Tyler, do you mean something like this?
If yes, we just need an upvote there and we will merge the two requests :)
Luca Restagno
Mattia Righetti
+1 for this
I'd be happy to specify the conditions, such as after X time passes, views, or post engagement (likes, comments, reposts, quotes).
Also, it would be great to be able to set more than one plug per post